Oh a new update and again it’s going to be short - probably or at least not proof-read….. Ok, so what about the last screenshot? Well a small update - with moving bits! /

Click it! – Gecko in Darkplaces with text injection

This is nice, isn’t it?

And again this is for EDU2 - an undisclosed, well, maybe it’s kinda disclosed now, but you still don’t know what it is about, wannabe project after another wannabe project from the Univserity of Jena, which happen to work on with another very talented (it seems!) programmer, who happens to work on Crystal Space, too (hint hint..).

For what it’s worth at least I get to spend some time on DarkPlaces again which is a lot of fun because it feels like going to back your roots, since it all started with DarkPlaces more than 4(?!) years ago. I can’t believe it’s already been that long ago, but that’s life.. So even if the project turns out be a failure (chances are 70% if you ask me - you’ll get a more elaborate opinion soon), at least and this is the most importan, I work with LordHavoc on something again (semi-again since we only talk about design issues now and then but this is already an improvement). However, what is not an improvement but rather very very awkward, is that I’m wasting so much time with it and actually I’m really horribly neglecting a project (BSS) I’ve been working on for Joshua, whom I owe more than just a lot. And I feel bad for it. Oh! How bad I feel! Which reminds me to spend the next days on his project and finally get something done again… On other news (or rather similar news) university (the one I actually attend in Munich) is killing my time, too - I have a 30+ hour week at university and add to that the time I have to spend on homework, lecture preparation and wrap-up and I have probably and quite certainly less spare time (it converges to minus zero) than my favourite work-aholics at SplashDamage (yes, you even work on weekends!). Now with the additional projects this actually results in severe sleep deprivation but, well, that’s been my choice and in February it’ll be over for sure.

So… now I’ve been talking and writing a lot of thoughts down and I think that’s enough for today. More news and screenshots from our multi-touch-screen thingy and BSS(!) soon.

Stay awake and tuned,