Bayesian Appropriation: Variational Inference = PAC-Bayes Optimization?

In this blog post, following the previous blog post1 on “Bayesian Appropriation: General Likelihood for Loss Functions”, we will examine and better understand parts of the paper “PACTran: PAC-Bayesian Metrics for Estimating the Transferability of Pretrained Models to Classification Tasks”2 (“PACTran”), which was presented as an oral at the ECCV... [Read More]

Bayesian Appropriation: General Likelihood for Loss Functions

In this blog post, we explore how some losses could be rewritten as a Bayesian objective using ideas from variational inference—hence, the tongue-in-cheek “Bayesian Appropriation.” This can make it easier to see connections between loss functions and Bayesian methods (e.g. by spotting similar patterns in the wild). We will first provide... [Read More]