I’ve written a small Eclipse project1 that tries to explain interfaces and their use through commented code examples. It also shows how to make for-each loops support iterating over your classes and how to use the iterator interface to create data to iterate over just in time. The name is...
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WordPress Hacking II
I have a few private pages that I use to store
random stuff and ideas and private pages (for a reason I don’t
understand) don’t show up in the pages widget.
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Partial Integration and the Substitution Rule
I only want to write this down to have a place to look it up:
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Best-of-Explosm Web 2.0
Yahoo Pipes are an interesting
concept, as are the other existing mashup tools (like Microsoft’s Popfly
or Ubiquity), and it is
amazing what can be done with a few clicks with them.
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Microsoft PowerPoint Rant
I have to do a presentation at university and it needs to be done in
PowerPoint - OpenOffice and LaTeX are explicity not allowed. Usually I’m
all for Microsoft, but PowerPoint really lacks quite a few things that
one would expect to be common in modern presentation software:
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