The paper, accepted as Long Oral at ICML 2022, discusses the (log) marginal likelihood (LML) in detail: its advantages, use-cases, and potential pitfalls, with an extensive review of related work. It further suggests using the “conditional (log) marginal likelihood (CLML)” instead of the LML and shows that it captures the...
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On the Total Variation Distance
The definition of the total variation distance can be confusing (at
least to me) as it is formulated as a supremum. There is a simpler
formulation. We connect the two here and provide some intuitions.
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On Classification Metrics and an Alternative to the F1 Score
We express common performance metrics, such as recall, precision and
so on, for classification tasks using probabilities and examine the F1
score and simplify it to a ratio that is simpler to understand.
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Research Idea: Intellectually Pleasing Outlier Exposure (with Applications in Active Learning)
This post discusses potential failure cases of outlier exposure—when
using “fake” label distributions for outliers—and presents an
intellectually pleasing version of outlier exposure in latent space,
treating outliers as purely negative samples from a contrastive
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Research Idea: Active Learning for NLP Models via Question Asking
During my day-to-day, I read papers and procrastinate from writing my thesis, so I often come up with high-level questions that I cannot research because I don’t have the experience, time, and computing resources. The following is such a research question which—if it has not been answered by someone else...
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