I’ve finally finished my lab course last week - thanks to my supervisor Matthäus G. Chajdas - you can read his blog here -, it wasn’t your usual lab course with work sheets and boring homework, instead I’ve been allowed to implement a nice paper about a Global Illumination approximation...
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Panorama Stitching
I’ve finally come around to “clean-up” some old project I’ve had lying around for a few months and upload it. I’m talking about some Panorama Stitching code I wrote for our participation in Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. I’m suppressing all memories of it since it was an epic fail, but at...
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Rotation of Low Order Spherical Harmonics
I’m currently working at university on implementing Light Propagation
Volumes. The paper makes extensive use of spherical
harmonics while the implementation uses the first two bands.
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Rigid Body Motion
Last week I had to give a presentation about Rigid Body Motion (ie
the basics of rigid body physics and some general mechanics).
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PowerPoint LaTeX
Hey everybody :-)
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